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Happy International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day

As a group of women positively ruling, Third Drawer Down are all about International Women's Day and bringing to focus issues facing women the world over from violence to workplace equality-issues that need to be at the forefront. We're also all about celebrating women, especially women in the arts who constantly get us thinking, talking and acting! Love to the ladies and let's embrace female empowerment! 

guerrilla girls

This is the Guerrilla Girls in all their crazy talented girl power glory. These feminist masked crusaders are our wonder women. Fighting sexism in the arts, their work has spread from New York City worldwide, with messages that shake the art world and will continue to be supported widely and wildly! 

Louise Bourgeois has been described and honoured bringing sexuality to light. A beautifully strong relationship with her mother play a big role in the works of Bourgeois which changed the art industry forever. From her openness came discussions on psychoanalysis, expression and, most crucially, the place of female artists within a predominantly male-focused industry.

Yaoi Kusama

Yayoi Kusama we love you. Our much admired polka dot queen has always denied a connection with feminism but her conviction to the body being a vehicle for expression has lead admiration the world over. 

Del Kathryn Barton

Del Kathryn Barton is truely one of our most admired Australian artists, notice how we didn't say female? Her works feature mainly figures of women, some multi breasted, all beautiful. We love her work and we love the exploration of the female form amongst nature. 

We'll leave you with this video of two friends talking vulnerability. The hilariously clever women, multi tasking their way through the world and spreading positive messages for women and men alike, Lena Dunham and Miranda July. Praise.