Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down
Late-Night Chat Is Filled With Dreams Mug Set x Yayoi Kusama - Third Drawer Down

深夜聊天充满梦想 马克杯套装 x 草间弥生

$75.00 AUD

Third Drawer Down Studio 与草间弥生合作推出《深夜聊天充满梦想》骨瓷马克杯礼品套装。这是与草间弥生合作制作的实用家居艺术产品,仅在世界各地的艺术博物馆和专属设计商店有售。

草间弥生以圆点和网格图案为主题创作了奇幻画作。她的作品涵盖多种媒介,包括绘画、素描、雕塑、表演、电影和沉浸式装置。草间弥生于 1929 年出生于日本长野县。1957 年,她前往美国,在那里展示了巨幅画作、软雕塑和采用镜子和电灯的环境艺术。20 世纪 60 年代后期,草间弥生从事时装设计和电影制作。她的原创作品和艺术活动确立了她在纽约及其他地方的前卫艺术家地位。草间弥生于 1973 年返回日本,并继续在日本和国外展出作品。她现在是世界上最杰出的当代艺术家之一。

-2 件套
