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Bold, brave, often humorous and sometimes autobiographical, Cathy Staughton of Arts Project Australia is an artist we shall always follow. Cathy has just recently painted our Fitzroy window with her unforgettable Luna Park work, and we couldn't be more proud to feature this Australian artist as our latest Art Crush in celebration! 

We spoke to Arts Project Australia's Studio Manager James about Cathy's journey as an artist, her love of Luna Park and her involvement in our latest project with Arts Project Australia, lovingly named Australiana

Can you tell us a bit about Cathy's career as an artist so far? 
Cathy has been an artist at Arts Project since 1996. Cathy was creative from an early age, and her family always made provision for her to be able to make work. 
Her early drawings served as a communication device with her family and her teachers, but it was also very evident Cathy had an aptitude for the visual arts.

What is her favourite part about being an artist?
Cathy enjoys being able to express herself through drawing and painting, most of her work has an autobiographical context to some degree. Cathy is prolific and highly focused as an artist, utilising reference material from her many electronic devices she loves so much, or simply painting from recollections of events in her life, recent or from the past.

Where did Cathy's focus on Luna Park come from? 
Luna Park has been a constant theme in Cathy's work since she was a young girl, having grown up in Saint Kilda in the late 60's just down the road from the famous amusement park. Cathy could see the park from the front garden of her Marine Parade home.

Cathy has painted the Luna Park face many, many times throughout her career, often morphing her own like into the open-mouthed face of the entrance.
Cathy relishes all aspects of being an artist, and enjoys the reward of success as well. Attending exhibition openings, selling her work and, of course, making money all appeal to Cathy.

What was Cathy's favourite part of working with Third Drawer Down and seeing her artwork become a product? 
Cathy was thrilled to see the tea towel with her Luna Park painting printed on it for the first time, and when she was busy painting the mural on the TDD window, was so excited to see customers walking out having purchased her tea towel. She is also a fan of the Peter Ben hip flask, also part of the Arts Project Australia collection. Cathy is drawn to the Ned Kelly image portrayed on the flask, not so much the booze aspect!

Much love from the Third Drawer Down team to Cathy and all who work at keeping Arts Project Australia alive and well. What they do, and the work they achieve is brilliant and we are so thrilled to be a part of spreading that magic. 
You can shop Australiana in-store at Fitzroy and at the NGV Design Store. We will be expanding on this range and launching it nationwide and online in August. (Please feel free to call us and place orders over the phone if you wish though!) 

Bonus question!
We were informed during our painting session that just like us, Cathy has a serious social media addiction and knows how to get trapped in the scroll. Is this true, are we all just trapped in the matrix together? 

An image speaks louder than words.